Monday, September 18, 2017


So last Monday (9/11) Claudia got her tonsils and adenoids removed. We chose not to tell her until we got there, due to we know she would freak out. Grandma went over things with her as I answered questions for the nurse.

The nurses were all real good with her, she got her picture taken before surgery, was given a teddy bear, and got to chose a scent to go in her mask as well as decorated it with stickers.

She wanted Meemaw to go in with her to hold her hand until she was out. The procedure took about an hour and then maybe a 30 minute wait til they let us back into recovery.

We had purchased a new baby doll who went with Claudia. The nurse offered to give it a bracelet also but Claudia said she didnt need one. They had it down on her feet during surgery.

Waking up took a lil bit. She gave us a scare twice when her oxygen levels went down.

She was in the emergency room three days later due to dehydration and learned she had an upper respiratory infection.

It has been a week since surgery, she is still off school this week. And today had half a donut which is a big deal because she hasnt been eating

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